Friday 6 December 2013

Final Assessment

This is the makeup I created from my partners chart onto her face. I think the results came out really nicely and I'm so pleased with the outcome of the assessment. The eyelashes look amazing and the blusher lips and eyebrows look so much better since our last practice.

These are the images of my chart design made up by my partner on myself. I really liked the results of my design although the black on the lips had faded by the time we took the photos. I think the pink eyeliner and lashes look great though.

Practice Makes Perfect

This is an image my practice on my partner's makeup design. Taking this photo showed what looks right and what could be applied more and changed. I think I've done well applying the base and eye makeup. We decided that more blusher needs to be applied more on the cheeks. We also thought that there should be a darker lipline and that the lines on the top of the eyebrows should be changed to underneath.I also need to cover the ears and neck more with the foundation as it's not thick enough.

Final Makeup Design

 For my assessment I have chosen this chart as my final design similar to my last post but I changed a couple things. I will be partnered with someone in my class and we will exchange our charts and do their makeup on them. I changed the pattern on my face to instead applying the Paperself 'Polka Dot Pop' lashes to my right eye on the outer corners . I decided to change this because when my partner practiced the makeup on me it looked to harsh against the rest of the makeup. I was thinking of making a stencil and changing the under colour to match the blusher but then I thought it might be more suttle to add the fake eyelashes instead. I also thought to make this design more unique to apply pink eyeliner that matches the pink lip colour. I've also redone this chart as I made a mistake with how the eyebrows would be done but this is more clear and they will be white and brushed upwards.

This is the equipment/makeup and instructions to how my design will be made up.

Final Face Charts

This is the third final face chart I've created. I eye catching parts of this design are the lips and pattern next to the eye. I really like the idea that Elizabethans would have dark or red lips so I combined this by making an ombre lip design of black on the inner lips blending into a pink. I want the pink to match colour under the pattern. The cheeks are going to be blushed pink. I haven't made this face chart clear enough but the eyebrows are supposed to be white but I accidentally drew them black. I also forgot to add black eyeliner on the chart. The pattern next to the eye is inspired by the Paperself 'Polka Dot Pop' lashes. The base foundation will be a mix of white and lightest skin colour foundation inspired by the pale Elizabethan skin. I also wanted to experiment and apply white eyeshadow in a winged style.

Final Face Charts

For this face chart I wanted to create more of a winged eyeshadow design mixed in with development from the analogous charts. I also wanted to add small detail from the Paperself 'Polka Dot Pop' lashes I used. I also wanted to create the same lip design I had used in the previous chart that I tested. The cheeks have pink blusher on them and very pale base. I love the ideas of white eyebrows so I applied this to my chart too.

Contemporary Elizabethans

I love the soft golden and pink colours in this contemporary Elizabethan image. I think the eye makeup has a cool Elizabethan touch by having faded white colour around them. The deep brown lips looks so soft and match the rest of the look really well.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Contemporary Twists

This makeup is very traditional with a slight contemporary edge on the lips. This image is mostly traditional though. I'd have more interesting things to say about the hair than the makeup to be honest as that seems the most interesting part of the look. I'll ellaborate on my hairstyling blog though!

Contemporary Elizabethan Makeup

This is the most unique contemporary Elizabethan makeup I found and absolutely love it! The pale skin looks like a very very light pink colour which makes me think of how the slightest colour mixed in to the base can make it look more interesting than just a pale white face. I also love the deep pink colour under the eyes as it blends so nicely with the skin colour. The lips are pretty cool too - I'm so obsessed with ombre lips at the moment! At first I wasn't sure if the whole eye makeup area related to Elizabethan makeup but I can now se that it is connected to the neck accessories that are like the ruffles Queen Elizabeth would wear to cover her neck.

Lady Gaga's Interpretation

I wouldn't exactly call Lady Gaga's leather red Elizabethan dress my favourite design but this look is an interesting contemporary interpretation of Queen Elizabeth's style. The classic red lips look good though as an obvious trademark of the Elizabethan makeup look. I also like the contemporary eye makeup shes created as it is a unique touch to her whole look.

Judy Dench as Queen Elizabeth

Judy Dench looks amazing as Queen Elizabeth! I love the endless detail of her look. For film makeup would have to be a tradiitonal Elizabethan look so I don't find the makeup the most interesting as it's quite simple and just a pale face. This image of Dench look's slightly contoured but that could just be the lighting.