Friday 6 December 2013

Final Makeup Design

 For my assessment I have chosen this chart as my final design similar to my last post but I changed a couple things. I will be partnered with someone in my class and we will exchange our charts and do their makeup on them. I changed the pattern on my face to instead applying the Paperself 'Polka Dot Pop' lashes to my right eye on the outer corners . I decided to change this because when my partner practiced the makeup on me it looked to harsh against the rest of the makeup. I was thinking of making a stencil and changing the under colour to match the blusher but then I thought it might be more suttle to add the fake eyelashes instead. I also thought to make this design more unique to apply pink eyeliner that matches the pink lip colour. I've also redone this chart as I made a mistake with how the eyebrows would be done but this is more clear and they will be white and brushed upwards.

This is the equipment/makeup and instructions to how my design will be made up.

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