Friday 6 December 2013

Final Face Charts

This is the third final face chart I've created. I eye catching parts of this design are the lips and pattern next to the eye. I really like the idea that Elizabethans would have dark or red lips so I combined this by making an ombre lip design of black on the inner lips blending into a pink. I want the pink to match colour under the pattern. The cheeks are going to be blushed pink. I haven't made this face chart clear enough but the eyebrows are supposed to be white but I accidentally drew them black. I also forgot to add black eyeliner on the chart. The pattern next to the eye is inspired by the Paperself 'Polka Dot Pop' lashes. The base foundation will be a mix of white and lightest skin colour foundation inspired by the pale Elizabethan skin. I also wanted to experiment and apply white eyeshadow in a winged style.

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